Be a watchman over your family both day and night

Night time matters too…

The same privilege that we have as Mother’s, to speak life into our children throughout the day, to pray with them and over them, to edify them with the Word of God…

Is the same privilege that we have late in the evenings, when there is silent stillness in the house, while everyone is sleeping.

What if we used that time, to walk into each bedroom and anoint each child while you pray over them- praying that even now, though they are little, God begin to posture their heart to be in full pursuit of Him and of Kingdom matters. That He fill their minds with peace, so they sleep peacefully and wake up rested.

Go to the door posts of your house, anoint each one. Call on angels to stand guard at each post.

Go to your husbands work shoes- anoint them and pray over them…that he would walk in the confidence of the Lord when he wakes. That the Spirit would sharpen his discernment to trample upon any traps set by the enemy.

Go to your bedroom- anoint your bed. Submit your marriage bed unto the Lord, as you seek to keep the marriage bed pure and holy. Pray against any attack that the enemy has planned for your marriage. Cover your bed with the blood of Jesus and ask Him to make Himself so known through the unity that occurs with you and your husband while in that bed.

Lay hands on your husband and speak life into him and protection over him, as he sleeps. Pray super natural strength over him as he seeks to provide and lead.

Don’t just pray in the morning, during your time in the Word and with your children. Pray at night- in the stillness of the night, as your first ministry- your family, rests. Have your husband wake the next day, already covered in prayer- anointed, before he’s even put one foot down on the floor to start his day.

Your prayers matter Mumma…you are a gatekeeper and warrior for your family. They are your first ministry. Cover them. Serve them with gentleness and joy.

I know it can be appealing to just sit there, after everyone’s gone to sleep, and binge watch TV, or scroll…I get it, you’ve been touched all day, you’ve been asked to do things all day, you’ve been on your feet serving all day…but let’s not forget the power of praying over our family and declaring God’s Word over them, even whilst they sleep. The authority you have, through Christ, as “Mother” and “Wife” is powerful. (Swipe through to read…)

Love y’all…and let’s serve our families with joy and purpose, both day and night.

Pray over them ALWAYS.


Sometimes the “fruit of your hand” is simply being present


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