To be a Mother does not require “maternal instinct”…it requires Christ

Mothering isn’t based upon a maternal “thing” that you “have” or “don’t have”…

Can I share something with you, that you’d probably never even guess, about me? I never thought I had the “maternal” gene. I was never the person who would spot a baby in a store and “oo and ah”. Even when I had little nephews and a niece, I loved them but never thought “wowww I can’t wait to have my own”. That all changed the moment I found out I was pregnant with our first baby girl. The love for my child, and wanting to Mother her, just flipped on, like a switch. I truly believe God has every woman wired this way…We are nurturers, and as you abide in Christ, your ability to nurture and enjoy it, only grows more!

Yesterday I was in the grocery store, and as I was loading things up onto the check out belt, the girls were eating a sample of a brownie that they had gotten and asked me if they could “please, pleaseee go get the pack of brownies because it’s just sooo yummy”. I was a little bit flustered because there was already a man behind me unloading his things, but I wanted them to have it as a treat so I told them “run fast, like super fast, grab it and bring it in time for me to check out…”. I looked over to the guy and said “sorry- they really wanted those brownies…it’ll be quick though…” His response blew me away. He said “oh, don’t even worry…I’m not in a hurry at all. In fact, it’s really encouraging to see how patient you are with them. I’ve witnessed a lot of parents becoming so short with their kids- looking so irritated and angry while they’re out, and here you are, just rolling with it, smiling through it all…trying to make them happy. I respect that so much and it’s an encouragement to see.”

I couldn’t believe he saw all of that from our one interaction…I could only attribute it to Christ and what He’s done in me.

There was a time I could never even picture having kids because I just didn’t have “the maternal thing”. 5 kids later, I’m here to tell you…it’s not a “thing to have or not have”. It’s already there sis…as you spend time in His presence, reading the Word and abiding in Him, Mothering will become a DELIGHT.  He will stretch you and mold you, to be the Mother that your children need. I am by no means saying that I’m a perfect Mother…I am not. I am far from it. In fact, my patience (or lack there of) convicts me often. But what I do know, is that as I submit to the Lord and to His Word, He will teach me. So whatever areas I may feel I lack in, He will bridge the gap and be my sufficiency.  He is such a gracious Father.

So to the Mother who feels “not enough” or wonders if she “missed the maternal gene”…stop. Stop those thoughts right in their tracks. Those thoughts are not from the Holy Spirit, but from the enemy. Cancel them and speak Scripture to them. Every time a thought comes making you feel as though you are inadequate or not able…remember 2 Corinthians 12:9 “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”


He sees the unseen details of your day- He is with you


Sometimes the “fruit of your hand” is simply being present