Are you compatible with your spouse? Is that even biblical?

So you don’t think you’re compatible with him anymore, huh?

Well, you’re always going to run into a problem, if that’s your line of reasoning. You can have two of the most compatible individuals in regards to hobbies, interests, food etc…but both of those individuals still have a sin nature.

“Compatibility” is not what “makes or breaks” your relationship. Sin is.

I’ve looked all throughout Scripture, and no where in there does it mention “needing to be compatible with your husband”.

Biblically speaking, we are not made to be “compatible” with eachother (outside of physical, anatomical compatibility).

However, we ARE made to compliment eachother.

“The LORD God said: It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suited to him”. Genesis 2:18

Therefore, differences are required amongst you, to be the “helper suited to him”.

For example:

He may not be organized but maybe you are?

He may not know how to cook but maybe you do?

He may not be inclined to “pick up on emotion” but maybe you can gently bring a softness to his heart?

My point is- the differences that you have are the very same things, that the Lord uses for you to “complete” eachother in a manner that edifies one another, while bringing about sanctification.

True compatibility is found in Christ. Not in the interests that you share, or the “love language” that you identify with…but in the solidarity that you both believe in Christ as Lord and redeemer. That you choose to let Him sanctify you through serving each other in your differences. Therefore, strengthening your unity in Christ and finding sanctification in your “incompatibility”.

When sanctification occurs, sin breaks. When sin breaks, he can love you as Christ loves the church and you can submit to Him as Christ calls you too.

“More compatible” does not equal “better marriage”…more “Christlikeness” does.


$18 on flowers. Did you just waste money…?


”Good” does not mean it’s of God